Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Term 4 Week 4 : Formula One Racing

F1 is the short form of "formula one". I think the name given is interesting but the question is, why is it called "formula one"? It took place at Marina Bay on 26 to 28 September. It was held in Singapore. I think the F1 should be staged by Singapore as it could bring everyone into Singapore. The benefits for Singapore having staged The F1 is allowing everyone to see how much Singapore has grown for the past few years. I like Louis Hamilton as he is a humble and cheerful guy with lots of sportsmanship
Images from

Term 4 Week 3 : Recycling

Recycling is unique and interesting. I understand that recycling is important as it helps save our environment.Recycling is necessary as it is made into new objects for new products. We can recycle by using used bottle for drinking and glass bottles could be used to keep biscuits. I practise recycling almost everyday. I help my Mother collect aluminium cans used by my family. I recycle aluminium cans, glass bottles, card boards and many more. I put them into a plastic bag that was given by the company called "800 super", the rubbish collecting company. They will give a plastic bag every week for us to put our recycling items inside. I think the school is not recycling enough. I suggest the school make a competition for the whole year. People like to win competitions, therefore, they will bring everyday, increasing the amount of items recycled. We could have some teachers from the environmental or green club to bring the items collected to the recycling company. I would say this message about recycling to my friends, consume less,live more.
Images taken from

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Term 4 Week 1: Reading

*I think reading is very important to us because we learn many this through it and we can practice our oral.
*I normally read movie novels because they are interesting in many ways.I am now currently reading this book called the "Narnia Prince Caspian". They are actually like fantasy stories but they made the movie so real that as if this world there is were-wolves, walking trees, talking lion, witch, horse-man and many more!
*I read about, just to be frank, one. I do not spent lots of time reading but maybe every night i will read about four to seven pages.
*I read because books are interesting and can help us improve our English.
*I think that playing computer games affect their reading because if the game is fun, they be addicted to it and no longer have time to read books anymore.
*The school can help improve pupils reading by asking the pupils to stay back to read with other pupils in the library.
*It would be the book "Narnia Prince Caspian" that i will recommend to other pupils if they were looking for a book to borrow or buy.
Images taken from

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Holiday Homework 4 (T3Wk10): Computer Games

*I play computer games, they are fun.
*I play games like Runescape, Maplestory, Dragonfable, Clubpenguin and Battleon.
*I play this games because they are fun sometimes..
*Yes, i have many friends whom i know play games.
*I spent 5 hours playing computer games in a week.
*I think it won't affect as i do not always think of playing computer games when i am in school.
*I am aware that people can be addicted to computer games, i am letting this people be what they want as they have no discipline in resting after playing computer games.
Images taken from

Holiday Homework 3(T3Wk 9): The Olympics Games

One Olympic rigins story is connected with the tragedy-ridden House of Atreus. Pelops won the hand of his bride, Hippodamia, by competing in a chariot race against her father, King Oinomaos of Pisa, in Elis. Pelops conspired to win the race by replacing the king's chariot's lynchpins with ones made of wax. These melted on the course, throwing the king from his chariot and killing him. After Pelops married Hippodamia, he commemorated his victory with the Olympic Games. These games either expiated his killing or thanked the gods for the victory.
*It is to make people have sportsmanship.
*Yes, it is interesting.
*Yes, he is Michael Phelps.He had swimming talents
*I would like to take part in the Olympic games and i would like to take part in the Tennis, Badminton and Table Tennis event because i am good in this sports.
*Yes, i can practice to have sportsmanship.
iamges taken from

Holiday Homework 2 (T3Wk8): National Day

*National day is when we celebrate our independance day.
*It is to celebrate independance day.
*I celebrated by going to the roof-top to see the fireworks and watch on the television what is going on in Marina Bay.
*I think the celebration that was held in our school was excellent and wonderful.
*I think we can improve the celebration by making more activities to allow the pupils to enjoy.
images taken from

Holiday Homework 1 (T3Wk7): Copyright

* Copyright protects creative or artistic works. You should only copy or use a copyrighted work with the copyright owner's permission.
*Instruction manuals, computer programs, song lyrics, newspaper articles and some types of database.
*I think it is wrong because we take people's hard work and use it for ourselves.
*I will need to acknowledge where i took the information or other materials from.
*The person that made the information or material can make a police report and we may be fined or jailed for copyrighting.
*Yes, he took some information from Google and others that the information was made by him.
*I must acknowledge if i took something from the internet.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Unit 8: Question Words and Question Tag

My questions are,
*Is your family a happy and cheerful family?
*Is the school you come from clean?
*Is the children that your are currently teaching obedient?
*Is your country a safe and unique country?
*what is your culture?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Unit 8: Indian Folk Tales(part 2)

The clever rat.
There was once a rat who likes to go to a cave in a island called Lasma. The rat was not aware that a bear stays in the cave. The rat decided to go to the cave to look for some food. When it when into the cave, the angry bear jumped up and wanted to eat the rat. The rat quickly ran away and the bear stepped on a branch a fell into a river with crocodiles and died.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Personal Response 5: Earthquakes

*The causes of earthquake is when the hypocenter of an earthquake is the location beneath the earth's surface where the rupture of the fault begins. The epicenter of an earthquake is the location directly above the hypocenter on the surface of the earth.
*They can hide under tables for cover.
*I don't think they can detect earthquakes.
*They have occured in many places like
Fox Islands, Alaska 1st January
Azores Islands, Portugal 1st January
Minahasa, Sulawesi, Indonesia 1st January
Sichuan, China 2nd January
Chong-Kemin (Bol'shoy Kemin), Kyrgyzstan (Turkestan, Russia) 3rd January
Tonghai, Yunnan Province, China 4th January
Marked Tree, Arkansas 5th January
Near Islands, Alaska 5th January
Near East Coast of Honshu, Japan 6th January
Yugoslavia 7th January
Sulawesi, Indonesia 8th January
Shensi, China 8th January
Fort Tejon, California 8th January
Northeastern China 9th January

*This countries happen to have earthquake.
*I thnk there will be a earthquake in sinagpore as many countries have earthquake.

Reflection 5: Mother's Day

*I think mother's day is important as our mothers has taken care of us from young to now and did lots for us.
*I made some flowers made of paper and made a flower pot and put the flowers in the pot.
*My relationship with my mother is good.
*My mother helped me by paying money for tution for me to help me in my studies.
*I strengthen my relationship with my mother by helping the do things.
*Mothers are important in a children's life as the mother is always the one that takes cares of us more than our fathers as our fathers needs to work.
*It would be doing housework for her as she is tired.

Personal Response 4: Child Safety Belt in School Buses

*I take the school bus to school every day.
*The people in the school bus are well behaved.
*I agree that safety belts are needed in school buses,if cars needed safety belts then why not school buses as it is need more.
*No, although some students are in the bus for 15 minutes but some do not,an example is me and accidents might happen in the 15 minutes.
*We should put on seat belts every time,everywhere.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Reflection 4: Food

*I think the food in our cafe is healthy but some food is not value of our money.

*The food that are healthy in our cafe is fishball noodles, laksa and marcoroni

*Maybe chicken rice with many cucumbers so there is vitamins.

Personal Response 3: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

*I think it's important for children to stay away from the crowd or they will spread the Disease to others.
*It is important to practice good hygiene so we will be healthy.
*'good hygiene practices' means keeping clean and neat in a way to keep healthy

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reflection 3:Friendship

*I think i really enjoyed everything that we done during the International friendship day.

*I enjoyed the people in the sports costume as they look very nice in it

*We can invite some people from other countries to Singapore to spent time in our places of interest!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Personal Response 2:Courtesy

*To me, courtesy is having manners in all that we do everywhere we are for example in the public areas, school and even at home.
*Kong Rang Rang Li impresses me most as Kong Rong was right that we should think and respect our elders and by just doing what Kong Rong did could respect others.
*Some people in our class are courteous as they do not talk loudly and is considerate while some of them are discourteous as they do not spare a thought for others and only thought of themselves.
*We could help our elders carry things that are heavy in a form of respect and do something nice for them examples like helping the blind cross the road.

Entry 8:Postcard activity

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Refection 2:My Dream

My dream is to become a chef next time. I have interest in cooking as i like to follow instructions from the recipe given and i like to make my own recipes. I would like to work as a chef in a five-star hotel. What is your dream? I would think very little of you would like cooking am i right? Do you have the same interest as me?

Personal Response 1:Racial Harmony

Time flys very quickly, it's already term two! I have read this article from . I think it was right of Rajah that we should help our freinds regardless of race and language. We should mantain harmony of race and not talk bad about others even if they are a diffrent race from you. Are you willing to befreind a person that is different race from you? I hope you will and i will!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reflection 1:Looking forward

First of all, i had like to mention about my CA1 results for term one. I studied very hard by doing aeeasment books for grammer and vocabulary and maths and science with my tution teacher, chinese with my mother. For my Chinese and Maths, i got 41/50. For science, i got 42/50 and 43/50 for English, band one! I enjoyed term one because many activities took place, like the trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland reserve and the games i played. I am sure many of my classmates have fun in term two too! I hope my classmates and i have a good time in term two! I had like to thank my teacher, Mrs. Tan, my tution teacher, my father and mother. Thank you vert much!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Entry 6:Sports carnival

Today, it sports carnival! I played archery and indoor rowing. They were as fun as playing something you like most! I helped my class go to 2nd in the rowing, everyone was cheering for me! "sunny!sunny!sunny!sunny!sunny!" In the end, we got only 4th :(. Then i was surprised, we had 1 hour reccess! I ate candy floss, and a fishball. I went to the spiral staircase to get a ballon. Then i played "pirate" with raphael, it was fun!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Entry 5:Thank you. Mr Singh!

Mr Singh, thank you for guiding and helping us this past two years. I heard you were going to be trained to become a principal. Although you will be leaving anderson, we will show everyone that we are the best primary school in Singapore! It's because you helped us all this years and we appreciate all that you have done! I wish you good luck in your training and will successfully work in other schools and may everyone in that school like you as much as we do!! :)
Bye Mr Singh (picture taken from

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Entry 4:chinese new year clelebration

Hi, i did not went to school to see that concert but i celebrated chinese new year in perth. You might ask how is my holiday, my reply is very good!! I went to a restaurant to eat and took it as our reunion dinner. I spent my time in perth going to different extractions of perth and it was extremely fun and exciting!! I hope i can celebrate chinese new year with my friends but it is ok if i did not!! I wish everybody chinese new year!! (picture taken from

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Entry 3:pet

Oh very sad i have no pet. Actually i have a so called"pet"you know, but let me tell you ther story. Ok it started like this,one sunday when i woke up, there was a 'ding dong' on the door so i went to open the door,there stood my father and his friend, Edward.when i looked in his hands there was a dog! So i thought it was uncle Edward's dog. But he said it is not it is not his they say they found it on the street folowing them, so they took it. It was obedient, it wanted to go up my room but i said"no come down come down"and it obeyed. Oh! I thought i could have it as a pet next time. So i fed it biscuits. So i went to the east coast to play with it with my father's worker. His son and daughter was called Marcus and Alicia. After playing with it for the whole day, i asked my mother if i can keep it,but to my surprise,she said NO! And i was sad so i went home. :(
(picture taken from

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Entry2:my december holiday

On the december holiday, i went to malaysia to visit and played with my cousin. I stayed there for about 3 days and i came back to singapore. In singapore, i played computer, read books, go swimming and went cycling with my father. I also went to my cousin's house for swimmnig lessons. My swimmnig lessons is from 2.00p.m. to 3.00p.m..i liked my december holiday and many things i do in the december holiday. But now it is already school time:(. So i will study hard and try to achieve good marks in the year-end examination.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Entry 1:Blog Netiquette

I think"blog netiquette" is about manners in blogging. We must always have manners in blogging and do not do bad comments on other people's post or do not say rude words that hurt people's feelings. We must not use bad languages. We must always respect other people's blog or people will do that to us too! We have our own feeling of posting a post so we can't leave bad comments of their post. If we respect their post they will do that to us too. We should always keep this in mind, we must always respect other people's blog. Lets respect other people's blog to ensure manners in blogging!!
picture taken from